The adverts might make hair color look simple, and the cosmetic firms spend millions convincing you that anyone can get achieve the perfect finish in ‘3 simple steps’. However, with over 30 years hair care experience at HairColorCode HQ we can tell you one solid fact; coloring your hair is not always easy!
Fear not though, we have used our combined experience to put together some hair color guides that will take you one step closer to achieving that perfect salon color. Did you really think that with our passion for fantastic color we were going to let you struggle?! We absolutely love putting these guides together, so if there are any technical hair color guides you would like to see, just get in touch!
Where to start your hair color adventure….
We have a full range of hair color guides below, and we will be adding new articles every week. If you are looking for a place to begin, we always recommend starting with our hair coloring basics, or if you know what color and finish you want, check out our hair dye guide.
If you have got the perfect color, finish and dye picked out, then it is time for you to get stuck into our hair color guides so you can make the magic happen.
Good luck, and happy coloring!